Sunday, June 22, 2008

The meaning of Life

So, I have ben wondering for like 2 years, whats the meaning of life? I would love to know. I thought for a while that it was probobly to have fun... The meaning of life is to have fun. But how is that acheivable? What is fun anyway? I play video games; Madden, NBA Live... all kinds of games lol... But is it really fun? No. I hang out with my wife, cool but then what? Go out? Watch a movie? What? I play sports; football, basketball... all kinds of sports lol... But in the end you win or lose. You try your hardest to win and thats the whole point of the game. Where is the long term fullfilment? lol. I try harder at work to further my carear as a Cardiopulmonary Technition it the Air Force... Boring! I pray, read the bible, go to church... but my question is this? Some say life is a test from god, then what is the point of the rest? Lol, check this out... If it's a test, why is it so long? You would think that a person who dies young has an unfair advantage. This is, in the sence that, one would only have to behave for a few days or weeks untill he dies and he would be accepted into heaven right? So I'm lead to beleive that there is more purpose to life than simply to serve. But what would it be, to procriate? Naw, thats just a round about way of "passing the baton" to another cat for him/her to figure out the purpose of life. Yet, so many people spend their lifes in the persuit of "making it better for their kids then they had it." Making what better? lol you know? So i'm left with the religeous thing again. Serving god and his laws seems to be an integral part of this "meaning." I say this not only as a reflection of my own faith but also of the combined faiths of all religeons. All, (that I'm aware of), perscribe love for strangers, prohibit lying and murder, and promise some perspective of an after life. So one would presume that these shared beliefs would be truths. But then, as I said before, whats next. Lets say I'm following every premise to a "t", what do I do next? Say I help others, love others at work, read the word and pray... Their is so much their left untold. Where should I work? Should I have kids? And what about recreational activities? The widely accepted activities for recreations seem like such time killers. I mean, it just seems like we use our free time, our "fun time", to kill time. We fill it up with useless activities with no meaning or end purpose. For what, for the sake of spending that time doing something? I don't know. I feel like I spend my week working, my nights waiting to go to bed for work, and my weekends just killing time untill monday morning work. What a routine! lol. So back to my bibelical bunch. Solloman used to spend his days persuing knowlege... Seems like a meaningful persuite. Maybe thats the other side to lifes meaning... Its hard to tell. I have also come to understand that most of the things men seek to aquire is only in the fruitless persuit of fullfillment. Fullfilment of shallow feelings like jeleosy, greed, pride or women. Lol, no offence to women. So, all the youths working hard for rims and cars, are probobly just trying to get noticed. But then what, what if they were noticed, popular, whatever, what would they do next. What would I do if I was famous or rich? Because relishing the moment would only last so long... Yet, mankind spends countless seasons setting goals and millstones. Once one is reached, one is set, and each time we think, "the next goal will be the key to my happiness." Bullshit. lol. Knowlege and spirituallity, equality and freedom, these things are most common choices for "meanings of life." But is it really because they are worthwhile? Or is it because they are long shots and they are unfathamable. Wich is to say, what measures knowlege? So I know that the persuit of possesions is meaningless, the persuit of knowlege is endless, and the persuit for spirituallity is only a small fraction of the end meaning. That leaves pointless shit like, "I want to leave my mark on the world." (Which my dumbass probly said in my bio on blogspot or myspace. lol) But who would know, or care if they left their mark... George Washington is dead, he doesn't enjoy is "mark." Edgar Allen Poe died before his "mark" was realized, as were many an artist. Fuck it. There is no meaning. A shallow friend of mine once said, "duh, life is what you make it." An ignorant perspective, but brilliant. Can anyone Shed some light on one of the earliest discussions in mankind. Holla at me...

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